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Suzanne Emmet, CPCU, CCEP, ARe

Photo of Suzanne M. Emmet, CPCUSuzanne Emmet, CPCU, CCEP, ARe, is the Senior Vice President of Claims and Corporate Compliance for Eastern Alliance Insurance Group in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She has been with Eastern since the inception of the company in 1997. She has over 23 years of experience in claims management and workers’ compensation medical cost management. Suzanne is the President of the Board of Directors for Kids’ Chance of America and Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors of Kids’ Chance of Pennsylvania, which are non-profit organizations providing educational scholarships to the children of seriously and fatally injured workers. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s Conference Program Committee and a contributing author for the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce’s 2012 edition of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Guide. Suzanne received her B.A. degree in Government from Franklin and Marshall College.